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Updated: Apr 23, 2023

Kinesiology sounds like VOODOOO MAGIC TO ME.

At first I thought to my amazement when I had my very first kinesiology session and the therapist ability to pinpoint the root cause behind my symptoms within minutes. As result of the session it made me more and more curios how she managed to figure it out so quickly so perhaps it was voodoo; this curiosity lead me to study Kinesiology.

Kinesiology was developed in the 1900s, not by witches but actual health professionals, such as chiropractors and osteopaths that found a way to communicate with your body through your muscles (known as muscle monitoring).

There is a whole scientific intelligence behind the way we work and thought to explain what it is with a creative edge.

>>> In order to light a fire you need a match

>>> In order for a car to run properly it needs fuel

>>> In order for our mind to properly function we need the body for it’s nutrients and vitamins

>>> In order for our body to properly function we need the mind for coordination and control.

You can’t not have one with out the other. You can’t have your mind with out your body and your body without your mind, otherwise we would be dead. Thus, the beauty of my profession as a Holistic Kinesiologist, perfecting the art of muscle monitoring, which is directly communicated to the Central Nervous System, constantly relying messages to the brain and spinal cord. I often tell my clients’ think of muscle monitoring as a mouse, pressing buttons to connect to the brain’s bio computer. Known as the amygdala, the deepest parts of our subconscious mind, storing all our core emotions, such as fear, anger, frustration, rage and even pain.

Science proves that we only use 5% of our brain consciously EVERY SINGLE DAY. This is why I love Kinesiology so much, since it gives me the opportunity to access the other 95% unconscious thought patterns and raise it to the surface. This is the stepping-stone of bringing true change and transformation in my clients’ lives. And it is done by reprograming negative conditioned responses to more positive responses that are mostly influenced by childhood experiences, our environment and society’s’ expectations.

Our beliefs shape our reality !

Is this the year you finally take control over your life through the power of your mind ?

Email – For a Kinesiology Transformation session to start your new year powerfully.

Sending love and only Blessings,


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